If you planning to use Wonga product or service but are you confuse about Wonga what time is open or closed ?. No need to worry because here you can get perfect and accurate information about Wonga hours, opening, Closing Hours, holiday hours, Today and Tomorrow hours.
Wonga hours – What time does Wonga open or closed?
If you are planning a visit to the Wonga UK. Here you can find Wonga UK opening hours, directions, and contact information about their different services to help you get the most out of your shopping experience.
All Wonga Company operate more than 10 hours a day. Here we list out Wonga opening and closing hours in the Table.
Wonga Hours | Opening Hours | Closing Hours |
Monday | 08:30 AM | 04:30 PM |
Tuesday | 08:30 AM | 04:30 PM |
Wednesday | 08:30 AM | 04:30 PM |
Thursday | 08:30 AM | 04:30 PM |
Friday | 08:30 AM | 04:30 PM |
Saturday | 08:30 AM | 12:00 PM |
Sunday | Closed | – |
Note: Opening hours may vary depending on location. Please refer to Wonga Store finder to check your local store opening times.
Wonga Holiday Hours, Black Friday and Special event hours
During the majority of the holidays, Wonga is open for business. Valentine’s Day, Mother’s Day, Memorial Day, Father’s Day, Labor Day, Black Friday, and other big holidays are among the days when they open their doors. On the holidays listed below.
Holiday Name | Opening Hours |
New Year’s Day | Hours might differ |
Good Friday | Hours might differ |
Easter Sunday | Hours might differ |
Easter Monday | Hours might differ |
Christmas Day | Hours might differ |
New Year’s Eve | Hours might differ |
New Year Day | Hours might differ |
Boxing Day | Hours might differ |
During Holidays Wonga adjust their few hours. Before visit your near Wonga Company, you must use its official Stores locator. It will help you to save your time and money.
Visit Also: Wise hours
Wonga UK head office contact information
Wonga Head Office Address | 88 Crawford, London W1H 2EJ, United Kingdom |
Wonga corporate office number | 0207 138 8330 |
Head office opening Hours | Monday to Friday: 08:30 – 16:30 – Saturday: 08:30 – 12:00, Sun: Closed |
Wonga customer service number | 0207 138 8330 |
Website | wonga.com |
Wonga email address | customercare@wonga.com |
Wonga Regular Business Hours
- Weekdays: The Wonga customer service department is open Monday to Friday: 08:30 – 16:30.
- Weekends: The customer service department is Sat: 08:30 – 12:00 – Sun: Closed. In the event a holiday hours on a weekday or weekend, Wonga Company is open for business.
What is Wonga?
Wonga.com, also known as Wonga, is a former British Playday loan firm that was founded in 2006. The company focused short-term, high-cost loans to customers vis online applications, and began processing its first loans in 2007.
FAQs, Wonga Company
Q. What time do Wonga open today?
The answer to this question is that you can get the Wonga opening hours today where you live by going through the Wonga location finder.
Q. What happened to Wonga UK?
Wonga, which collapsed in 2018, was once the UK’s biggest payday lender but its practices attracted intense scrutiny. In 2014, the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) found it had lent money to many who would never be able to repay, prompting a crackdown on the sector.
Q. What are Wonga hours?
Call our team on 0861 966 421 from 08:00 – 18:00 Monday to Friday, and Saturdays from 08:00 – 13:00. Email us at customercare@wonga.co.za for customer or application related queries.
Thanks for using our site.
Visit Also: Reach hours – Opening, Closing Hours & Locations