If you planning to use Primark product or service but are you confuse about Primark what time is open or closed ?. No need to worry because here you can get perfect and accurate information about Primark opening hours, Closing Hours, holiday hours, Today and Tomorrow hours.
Primark opening hours – What time does Primark open or closed?
If you are planning a visit to the Primark UK. Here you can find Primark UK opening hours, directions, and contact information about their different services to help you get the most out of your shopping experience.
All Primark stores operate more than 10 hours a day. Here we list out Primark Belfast opening and closing hours in the Table.
Primark Hours | Opening Hours | Closing Hours |
Monday | 09:00 AM | 18:00 PM |
Tuesday | 09:00 AM | 18:00 PM |
Wednesday | 09:00 AM | 18:00 PM |
Thursday | 09:00 AM | 21:00 PM |
Friday | 09:00 AM | 19:00 PM |
Saturday | 09:00 AM | 18:00 PM |
Sunday | 13:00 AM | 18:00 PM |
Note: Opening hours may vary depending on store location. Please refer to Primark store finder to check your local store opening times.
Primark Holiday Hours, Black Friday and Special event hours
During the majority of the holidays, Primark is open for business. Valentine’s Day, Mother’s Day, Memorial Day, Father’s Day, Labor Day, Black Friday, and other big holidays are among the days when they open their doors. On the holidays listed below.
Holiday Name | Opening Hours |
New Year’s Day | Hours might differ |
Good Friday | Hours might differ |
Easter Sunday | Hours might differ |
Easter Monday | Hours might differ |
Christmas Day | Hours might differ |
New Year’s Eve | Hours might differ |
New Year Day | Hours might differ |
Boxing Day | Hours might differ |
During Holidays Primark adjust their few hours. Before visit your near Primark store, you must use its official store locator. It will help you to save your time and money.
Primark UK head office contact information
Primark Head Office Address | 32-41 West St, Reading RG1 1TZ, UK |
Primark corporate office number | +44 1782 209804 |
Head office opening Hours | Mon – Wed: 9am–7pm / Thu: 9am–8pm / Fri – Sat: 9am–7pm / Sun: 10am–4:30pm |
Primark customer service number | +44 1782 209804 |
Website | primark.com |
Primark email address | Not available |
Primark Regular Business Hours
- Weekdays: The Primark customer service department is open Mon – Wed: 9am–18pm / Thu: 9am–21pm / Fri: 9am–19pm.
- Weekends: The customer service department is Sat: 9am–18pm / Sun: 13am–18:00pm. In the event a holiday hours on a weekday or weekend, Primark Belfast store is open for business.
Primark locations in – Near me locations of Primark Easter
Here you can easily find Primark near me locations, opening hour, Primark Easter store address, phone number and more.
Primark Location | Opening Hours |
Primark – 153 Union Street, 143,Aberdeen AB11 6BH,United Kingdom | Mon-Wed: 08:30 – 18:30 / Thu: 08:30 – 20:00 / Fri-Sat: 08:30 – 18:30 / Sun: 10:00 – 18:00 |
Primark – 106 – 114 Town Square,Basildon SS14 1BX,United Kingdom | Mon-Sat: 09:00 – 18:00 / Sun: 10:30 – 16:30 |
Primark – 1-27 The Horsefair,Bristol BS1 3BB,United Kingdom | Mon-Sat: 09:00 – 20:00 / Sun: 10:30 – 17:00 |
Primark – 35 – 41 Park Street,Camberley GU15 3PE,United Kingdom | Mon-Sat: 09:00 – 18:00 / Sun: 10:30 – 16:30 |
Primark – 58 – 60 High Street,Dartford DA1 1DE,United Kingdom | Mon-Sat: 09:00 – 18:00 / Sun: 10:00 – 16:00 |
What is Primark?
Primark is an Irish multinational fast fashion retailer with headquarters in Dublin, Ireland. It is a subsidiary of Associated British Foods and has stores across Europe and in the United States.
FAQs, Primark Stores
Q. What time do Primark open today?
The answer to this question is that you can get the Primark opening hours today where you live by going through the Primark location finder.
Q. What should I avoid purchasing at Primark?
You can not buy some product from the Primark store like, Toiletries, Seafood, Pizza, Sourdough Loaves, Chicken
Cleaning Supplies, Personal Hygiene Products etc..
Q. Are Primark shops open in UK?
26 June 2020: In line with recent government guidance, we were very happy to welcome customers back to our Primark stores in England on 15 June and our Northern Ireland stores on 18 June. In Wales, all our stores opened on 26 June.
Q. Are all Primark stores closing?
Some 305 of Primark’s 389 global stores are shut – including all 190 UK outlets – but unlike rivals it has no online arm to fall back on. Customers have said they would welcome the retailer setting up an online shop.
Q. Can you tumble dry Primark jeans?
Steer clear of tumble dryers because extreme heat is a sure-fire way to destroy your denim. Jeans are at their best when hung out to dry, simply shake out any creases first.
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