If you planning to use Oak Furnitureland product or service but are you confuse about Oak Furnitureland what time is open or closed ?. No need to worry because here you can get perfect and accurate information about Oak Furnitureland opening hours, Closing Hours, holiday hours, Today and Tomorrow hours.
Oak Furnitureland opening hours – What time does Oak Furnitureland open or closed?
If you are planning a visit to the Oak Furnitureland UK. Here you can find Oak Furnitureland UK opening hours, directions, and contact information about their different services to help you get the most out of your shopping experience.
All Oak Furnitureland Company operate more than 10 hours a day. Here we list out Oak Furnitureland opening and closing hours in the Table.
Oak Furnitureland Hours | Opening Hours | Closing Hours |
Monday | 09:00 AM | 08:00 PM |
Tuesday | 09:00 AM | 08:00 PM |
Wednesday | 09:00 AM | 08:00 PM |
Thursday | 09:00 AM | 08:00 PM |
Friday | 09:00 AM | 08:00 PM |
Saturday | 09:00 AM | 08:00 PM |
Sunday | 09:00 AM | 08:00 PM |
Note: Opening hours may vary depending on location. Please refer to Oak Furnitureland Store finder to check your local Company opening times.
Oak Furnitureland Holiday Hours, Black Friday and Special event hours
During the majority of the holidays, Oak Furnitureland is open for business. Valentine’s Day, Mother’s Day, Memorial Day, Father’s Day, Labor Day, Black Friday, and other big holidays are among the days when they open their doors. On the holidays listed below.
Holiday Name | Opening Hours |
New Year’s Day | Hours might differ |
Good Friday | Hours might differ |
Easter Sunday | Hours might differ |
Easter Monday | Hours might differ |
Christmas Day | Hours might differ |
New Year’s Eve | Hours might differ |
New Year Day | Hours might differ |
Boxing Day | Hours might differ |
During Holidays Oak Furnitureland adjust their few hours. Before visit your near Oak Furnitureland Company, you must use its official Store locator. It will help you to save your time and money.
Oak Furnitureland UK head office contact information
Oak Furnitureland Head Office Address | DC2, 10d Viscount Way, South Marston Industrial Estate, Swindon, Wiltshire, SN3 4TN United Kingdom |
Oak Furnitureland corporate office number | 0800 440 2254 |
Head office opening Hours | Mon-Sun: 09:00 AM – 08:00 PM |
Oak Furnitureland customer service number | 0800 440 2254 |
Website | oakfurnitureland.co.uk |
Oak Furnitureland email address | customerrelations@oakfurnitureland.co.uk |
Oak Furnitureland Regular Business Hours
- Weekdays: The Oak Furnitureland customer service department is open Mon-Fri: 09:00 AM – 08:00 PM.
- Weekends: The customer service department is Sat to Sun: 09:00 AM – 08:00 PM. In the event a holiday hours on a weekday or weekend, Oak Furnitureland Company is open for business.
What is Oak Furnitureland?
Oak Furnitureland was launched through its website on Boxing Day, 2006. The company started in 2003 by selling on eBay. It opened a pop-up shop on an airfield in the Cotswolds. Its first store on a retail park was in Chippenham. The company reported a turnover of £85m and a profit of £9.2m in the year to September 30, 2012.
In late 2012, the business moved its national distribution centre to a 302,000 sq ft building in South Marston near Swindon, Wiltshire.
FAQs, Oak Furnitureland Company
Q. What time do Oak Furnitureland open today?
The answer to this question is that you can get the Oak Furnitureland opening hours today where you live by going through the Oak Furnitureland location finder.
Q. Is Oakland furniture closing down?
Oak Furnitureland has revealed that it will be closing 27 of its 105 stores – putting 163 jobs at risk. On June 15, the brand was acquired by global investment manager Davidson Kempner Capital Management following a sales process by Deloitte.
Q. Why is Oak Furnitureland closed?
The furniture chain is the latest business to announce store closures and job cuts in the wake of the coronavirus crisis, following in the footsteps of Boots, John Lewis and Pret a Manger. It comes just a month after Oak Furnitureland was rescued from collapse in a pre-pack administration deal.
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