If you planning to use Flogas product or service but are you confuse about Flogas what time is open or closed ?. No need to worry because here you can get perfect and accurate information about Flogas hours, opening, Closing Hours, holiday hours, Today and Tomorrow hours.
Flogas hours – What time does Flogas open or closed?
If you are planning a visit to the Flogas UK. Here you can find Flogas UK opening hours, directions, and contact information about their different services to help you get the most out of your shopping experience.
All Flogas Company operate more than 10 hours a day. Here we list out Flogas opening and closing hours in the Table.
Flogas Hours | Opening Hours | Closing Hours |
Monday | 08:00 AM | 05:00 PM |
Tuesday | 08:00 AM | 05:00 PM |
Wednesday | 08:00 AM | 05:00 PM |
Thursday | 08:00 AM | 05:00 PM |
Friday | 08:00 AM | 06:00 PM |
Saturday | 08:00 AM | 01:00 PM |
Sunday | Closed | – |
Note: Opening hours may vary depending on location. Please refer to Flogas Store finder to check your local store opening times.
Flogas Holiday Hours, Black Friday and Special event hours
During the majority of the holidays, Flogas is open for business. Valentine’s Day, Mother’s Day, Memorial Day, Father’s Day, Labor Day, Black Friday, and other big holidays are among the days when they open their doors. On the holidays listed below.
Holiday Name | Opening Hours |
New Year’s Day | Hours might differ |
Good Friday | Hours might differ |
Easter Sunday | Hours might differ |
Easter Monday | Hours might differ |
Christmas Day | Hours might differ |
New Year’s Eve | Hours might differ |
New Year Day | Hours might differ |
Boxing Day | Hours might differ |
During Holidays Flogas adjust their few hours. Before visit your near Flogas Company, you must use its official Stores locator. It will help you to save your time and money.
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Flogas UK head office contact information
Flogas Head Office Address | Rayns Way, Watermead Business Park, Syston, Leicester, LE7 1PF, UK |
Flogas corporate office number | 0800 574 574 |
Head office opening Hours | Mon to Thu: 8.00 am-5.00 pm and Fri: 8.00 am to 4.30 pm, Sat: 8.00 am-1.00 pm and Sun: closed |
Flogas customer service number | 0330 311 2705 |
Website | flogas.co.uk |
Flogas email address | info@flogas.co.uk |
Flogas Regular Business Hours
- Weekdays: The Flogas customer service department is open Mon to Thu: 8.00 am-5.00 pm and Fri: 8.00 am to 4.30 pm.
- Weekends: The customer service department is Sat: 8.00 am-1.00 pm and Sun: closed. In the event a holiday hours on a weekday or weekend, Flogas Company is open for business.
What is Flogas?
Flogas Britain developed as a national supplier of Liquefied Petroleum Gas through a series of acquisitions starting with the purchase of Portagas in 1984.
FAQs, Flogas Company
Q. What time do Flogas open today?
The answer to this question is that you can get the Flogas opening hours today where you live by going through the Flogas location finder.
Q. Is Flogas a British company?
Flogas Britain developed as a national supplier of Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) through a series of acquisitions starting with the purchase of Portagas in 1984, followed by Alta Gas in 2001, British Gas LPG in 2002 and Countrywide LPG plc.
Q. What is the revenue of Flogas UK?
Accounts for Flogas Britain show turnover surged from £244.8m to £319.6m in the year to 31 March 2022. Pre-tax profits went from £16.4m to £35.5m over the same period.
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